Videos decoding types of body shapes

Video A

Justine helps you figure out your body type based on the 3 main measurements of the body. This tutorial shows you: – how to measure your body correctly (bust measure, waist measure, hips measure) with a tape measure.

Video B

Basics 101 where Erin has covered ‘back to basics’ type of things! For the first video she has done fashion basics and cover different body shapes and go over how to dress for you body shape. Of course these are just simple guidelines they aren’t rules that are set in stone, but hopefully it gives you a better idea of your own body shape and what may work for you!

Video C

Wendy’s video is all about different types of body shape! She explained 5 different types of body shapes and it is very important to figure out what type of body shape you have to choose the perfect style of outfits.



Published by Sonali Gupta

" Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak", to go for it women & express your hearts out!

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